Yokai Academy is an equal opportunity school that prepares young monsters
for coexistence with humans with a focus on the arts and unnatural sciences.
NAME: Victor H. Greystone
ALIAS: Graystone
ADDRESS: The Olde Cathedral
PLEASE CHECK IF APPLICABLE: [ ] I reside in an alternate reality dimension.
(If you checked this box, please specify the percentage of time spent in alternate
reality dimension __%)
GRADE POINT AVERAGE:[color=skyblue] in human subjects in magical subjects in forbidden subjects
GENDER: [X] Male [ ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic
So that we may best match you with a roommate, please specify:
[X ] Diurnal [X ] Nocturnal [ ] Do not require sleep [ ] Hibernating (please specify duration and season(s) of cycle)
Please answer the following questions truthfully after performing the following oath with the appropriate
talismans: "I am telling the truth. Cross my heart(s) and hope to die."
I HAVE KILLED A HUMAN(S) : [X ] Yes [ ] No How many? __7__
I WILL KILL AGAIN: [ ] Yes [ ] No
[ ] Carelessness [ ] Hunger [ ] Inexplicable Urge [X ] On Principle
[ ] Whom I killed How many? __ [ ] Whom I found dead already How many? __
What is your monstricity? Please mark the box(es) that describe(s) the monstricity
(i.e monster ethnicity) category with which you primarily identify. Please check all that apply.
[ ] Werewolf [ ] Werecat [ ] Other part-time animal [ ] Lizard Person [ ] Succubus/Incubus
[ ] Medusa [ ] Merperson [ ] Ghost, Spirit, Will-O-The-Wisp [ ] Carnivorous Vegetable
[ ] Fairy/Pixie/Sprite or other Cute Winged Creature [ ] Witch or other borderline Human/Monster Abomination
[ ] Chupacabra [ ] Oni, Karakasa/Kozo, Dream Eating Tapir. etc [ ] Mixed Monster
In signing this application, I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human
form at all times on campus and in the dormitories. and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing
or eating, humans.
Signature/Paw Print: ____
VICTOR GREYSTONE___________________________________
Blood/Print: ____
(Please blot after marking )