The Earth Kingdom was strong and peaceful after the fall of Ozai, and even after the war against Lord Ibu. They were the largest army--after the Fire Nation fell--to combat Ibu and his armies. The Earth Kingdom aided Kouzai in his destruction of the Dark Nation, and since then have been aligned with good and have always supported the Fire Nation. However, they were not without problems. For many generations after the fall of Ibu, the Khoonda and Exchange Mercenary and Bounty Hunter Corps. battled each other in the streets of the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se for supremacy. They were eventually wiped out by Earth King Lu Peng, however the Lethal Corps. formed from the remnants. Lethal attempted to steal and sell the Fire Nations preliminary guns and weapons to fuel wars and make a profit, however, they were stopped by the Earth King and by the Fire Lord and his family. After many losses and battles, Crown Prince Katsuro of the Fire Nation and Crown Prince Raiden of the Shadow Lands, managed to crush Lethal at it's heart and destroy the organization for good. Since then, mercenaries have been nothing but a whisper of the past, concerns relegated to an older monarchy and an older time, nothing but a myth or a legend that no longer exist. The Earth Kingdom still has strong ties with all other nations, especially the Fire Nation, and is financially strong as well as peaceful. The city was destroyed, people died, but in the recent years metal and earth benders resurfaced and rebuilt the city in a more modernize fashioned. Metal buildings and frame work run under and above ground, people dress much differently. It was a new Kingdom built of refugees who were scattered around Ba Sing Se after the destruction. In search of new beginnings, many people sent out envoys of these refugees to explore this new land, and in the process began to populate it. Eventually, the place grew into it's own kingdom, and after several unsuccessful revolutions and unification wars, the country became the largest, most powerful, and neutral: Elemental Kingdom. After many years of ups and downs, the Elemental Kingdom is still strong, economically, spiritually, finically and militarily. The place is peaceful, and is always trying to keep the peace.